PSJM is a team of creation, theory and management formed by Cynthia Viera (Las Palmas G.C., 1973) and Pablo San José (Mieres, 1969).

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Only for the masses

Almost by definition, the pillars of avant-garde art are the breakaway attitude which transcends conventional language and distances itself from the common understanding of the man-on-the-street.

Sólo para las masas [Only for the masses] aims to present a challenge to ultimate art. An exhibition that connects with the non-connoisseur public and yet maintains its status of forward-thinking art.

The artists showing their work in this exhibition belong to a multimedia generation that uses new technologies while keeping an attentive eye on mass culture and its effects on the individual. These young creative artists will have to turn the esoteric into the exoteric. Exclusively for the masses.



Josechu Dávila • Chus García-Fraile • Pepe Medina • El Perro • PSJM • Avelino Sala • Pelayo Varela

Curated by PSJM

22 December 2004 – 29 January 2005

Blanca Soto Gallery, Madrid